Blending 90’s garage rock with complex, yet poppy song structures, Le Big Zero are taking a huge leap forward with their sophomore album A Proper Mess. The experimental indie quartet have Frankensteined their iconic predecessors with the energy of early slacker grunge and the brains of math rock.
The Brooklyn based group was originally founded by vocalist and guitarist, Michael Pasuit, and soon joined by vocalist Carolina Aguilar. Once merely dusty cassette-tape demos written in the aughts of a cheap Seattle apartment, Le Big Zero is now a fully fledged indie-rock manifestation come to life. The group presently features the agile rhythm section of Ben Ross (bass) and Lukas Hirsch (drums).
Le Big Zero’s debut 2019 LP Ollie Oxen Free wasn’t as much of a fleshed out album as it was a collection of songs previously written by Pasuit for other projects that never quite fit. However, Le Big Zero was always meant to metamorphe from its original cocoon. Right before the pandemic hit, the band began recording. With a new collaborative effort, Le Big Zero began to fully transform. The result was the high energy, messy love-letter to uncertainty that is A Proper Mess.
With angular song structures and striking harmonies, A Proper Mess is as unique as it is introspective. Now a complete collaborative effort, the group has really taken traditional indie rock and flipped it upside down. Tracks like “Horror Movie Pie Fight” and “Beach Seance” feature a sense of absurdity and abstraction. With influences from Sleater-Kinney to Better Oblivion Community Center, there is a wholly unique aspect of A Proper Mess that can’t really be pinned down but offers an edge that can’t be chiseled down.
A Proper Mess will be released April 8, 2022 by Know Hope Records.
FFO: The Thermals, Superchunk, Swearin’